This site is also available in German!

Fan­cy­box Plus is a Word­Press plug­in that inte­gra­tes the func­tion­a­li­ty of Fan­cy­box into Word­Press while simul­ta­neous­ly modi­fy­ing the image links to be ope­ned with as a TopUp win­dow. Video can also be view­ed with TopUp. Curr­ent­ly sup­port­ed are vide­os from You­Tube, Vimeo, Blip. Tv.


  1. The direc­to­ry fan­cy­box-plus in the Word­Press plug­in direc­to­ry under “/wp-con­ten­t/­plug­ins”
  2. Copy the plug­in in the plug­in menu, and activate.
  3. That’s it!

Inserting images

  • Add a pic­tu­re of your choice — in the usu­al Word­Press way, and add your title.
  • Crea­te a link from the image to view a lar­ger ver­si­on of image
  • The rest Fan­cy­box Plus auto­ma­ti­cal­ly takes care of.

Adding Video

  1. Click the new but­ton label­led “Embed Video”
  2. Choo­se the desi­red pop in the new video por­tal (at the moment You­Tube, Blip. Tv and Vimeo)
  3. For the video enter the video ID (as this needs is to be known at the next stage)
  4. Sel­ect whe­ther a link text should appear below the video and optio­nal­ly enter the link text
  5. Click Insert
  6. Check the Video ID high­ligh­ted is the cor­rect video ID


You­Tube: http://​en​.you​tube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​v​=​D​Y​g​Z​O​Y​2​g​27w..?
Vimeo: http://​www​.vimeo​.com/​1​5​7​3​0​4​2nd.
Blip TV:. Http://​blip​.tv/​f​i​l​e​/​3​5​8​8​970
Vimeo: notext


  1. Images are not dis­play­ed in the over­lay Fancybox?
    In your the­me is miss­ing the Hook. Plea­se add it.
  2. I have pic­tures inser­ted in my text, but the­se can not be cli­cked to enlarge.
    Fan­cy­box and the plug­in will only work if link to ano­ther pic­tu­re. Link to this pic­tu­re a lar­ger ver­si­on of itself.
  3. The­re are also Fan­cy­box for Prototype?
    Sure! The­re is Light­View Plus. It has the same func­tions as Fan­cy­box Plus.
  4. Fan­cy­box works, but xy yz at the ope­ra­ting sys­tem is not in the brow­ser. / How do I chan­ge the dis­play of Fancybox?
    Sin­ce I did not wri­te the java­script plea­se ask in the forum of the aut­hor of Fancybox.


Under Word​Press​.org The cur­rent ver­si­on can be found.

Current version

Cur­rent ver­si­on is 1.0. In the­se vide­os, the por­tals You­Tube, Vimeo, Blip be. Tv supports.


Anyo­ne who wants to con­tri­bu­te to the trans­la­ti­on is cor­di­al­ly invi­ted to email me for the lan­guage packs. Until now, the­re are the following:

Ger­man — by myself

Eng­lish — by Webtart